Delivering easy to access, geospatial data to support environment, engineering and a wide range of agriculture related industries

The Challenge

The Agricultural Census is conducted in June each year by the government departments dealing with Agriculture and Rural Affairs for Scotland, England, and Wales. This data is immensely useful to businesses and environment agencies, but it is not supplied all in one place or as a “time series”, showing market changes over time. Securing specific data sets – for crop production through to employment numbers, can deliver key insights for businesses, but it is time consuming to collect and requires GIS skills to present in a useful fashion.

What we’re delivering

Drawing on experience of delivering agricultural census data to academics and researchers, EDINA has developed a service for use by the wide range of public and private sector organisations, to enable them to quickly and easily obtain a wide range of census data.

We provide a large time series database at varying spatial scales (2Km, 5Km,10Km and 20Km). Data are available stretcjing back to thelate 1960’s detailing agricultiral outputs (crops, livestock) harmonised to provide detailed spatial coverage across Great Britain over time. The data are GIS ready and can be delivered as raster or vector data products.

Skills we brought to the project

EDINA has developed bespoke algorithms based on a combined dysamteric and pycnophylactic approach that re-estimate counts of agricultural productivity at irregular input geographies and recasts these as grid based estimates at consistent levels of spatial resolution.

These grid square estimates are comparable over time and can be used to determine not just where agricultural production has varied over space but also across time

What’s next?

agCensus development

EDINA are pleased to now be able to offer commercial access to their unique agCensus spatio-temporal time series database. Read more at: